Mobile Employees

The United Way in one of Florida’s Largest Counties Selects CompanyMileage to Implement and Automate Company Policies

2 min read

The United Way in one of Florida’s largest counties has been growing rapidly. All this time, they had been trying to manage mileage and expense reports using traditional reporting methods, eating up significant time and money. They had been carrying out the process manually, using odometer readings and printing Google Maps depicting routes to their destinations.

Once an employee turned in their mileage report for reimbursement, a supervisor looked over it for inconsistencies before processing. If everything appeared accurate, Accounts Payable would process the employee’s reimbursement. The entire process from start to finish was very time consuming for each member on staff, and cases of excessive mileage rounding and unauthorized side-commutes were becoming major issues, affecting their bottom line.

When The United Way selected CompanyMileage to implement and automate their mileage reimbursement process, they began to see huge savings in mileage costs and the benefits of automation immediately. Having no way to review this policy, they had not been reimbursing for home commutes. With SureMileage by CompanyMileage, however, the process of reimbursing for home commutes is now streamlined to just a few clicks.

Along with introducing home commute automation, the organization now uses exact distance calculations for mileage reimbursements for their employees. SureMileage, which operates differently than manual or GPS-based systems, automatically generates point-to-point calculations for each trip reported by caseworkers. By providing this accurate, point-to-point mileage reporting, the risks typically associated with expense reimbursements are mitigated entirely. Reimbursements can be more exact, and the organization can focus on the more-important effort of fighting for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in their community.

Their caseworkers have also seen benefits from operating on a more automated system. Where the process of completing mileage and expense reports once took up hours of their week, now it only takes seconds. Of course, this has also meant faster reimbursement, which has improved employee engagement. If you’d like to learn more about how CompanyMileage can save your organization valuable time and money with mileage reimbursement automation, contact us for a one-on-one demo.

What Should Your Mileage Rate Actually Be?

Determine an estimated mileage rate based on gas prices in your area.

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Calculate How Much You Can Save with Our Mileage Reimbursement Software

Ready to see what CompanyMileage can do for your bottom line? Learn how using an accurate, efficient, and simple mileage reimbursement software can translate to over $1,000 in annual savings per mobile employee!

Why Do So Many Organizations Choose CompanyMileage?

There’s a reason why hundreds of organizations prefer using CompanyMileage to track over 500 million miles a year, submit expenses, and process reimbursements. Discover how easy the process can be with the right tools.

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