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Aspire Health Alliance Streamlines Mileage Reimbursement With CompanyMileage

3 min read

Aspire Health Alliance has been a pioneer in the field of mental health care since their founding in 1926, helping to create an approach to behavioral health that is proactive, coordinated, and integrated with medical care. Today, Aspire Health Alliance supports people of all ages in many capacities with the help of nearly 800 employees located across Massachusetts. Offering services like in-home therapy and community services meant that Aspire Health Alliance needed a way to support those employees who find themselves traveling on a daily basis to reach the people that need them most.

One problem they discovered was how to reimburse their employees for the miles they drove. Before finding CompanyMileage, they relied on employees filling out paper forms and submitting them for review. This resulted in a process that was overly cumbersome and prone to errors that required additional time and money to correct, pulling them away from their goal of providing the best care possible. Seeing how this problem affected their employees, Aspire Health Alliance knew it was time to reevaluate its process and find a better solution.

How CompanyMileage Helped

Before they decided to take the leap with CompanyMileage, Aspire Health Alliance went about researching who or what would be the best solution for them. To do this, they reached out to numerous references. In no time at all, they received glowing review after glowing review from companies talking about how CompanyMileage had helped streamline their reimbursement process. After hearing this, they decided to implement SureMileage, CompanyMileage’s mileage reimbursement software, into one of their programs.

After a straightforward implementation process backed up with the CompanyMileage team’s help, the Aspire Health Alliance employees took to using the new software quickly. Both those submitting their mileage and those approving it found it to be very user-friendly and straightforward, helping to reduce the time it took to process reimbursements. Since SureMileage integrates with all major payroll software, their Accounts Payable staff also found the software to be a massive upgrade in efficiency, helping make the process simpler and less time-consuming than the mountains of paperwork previously required.

According to the program director Suzy Waas, MA LMHC, “CompanyMileage is such a helpful tool to assist staff with managing their travel expenses. The ease of using the mobile app coupled with some of the helpful functions makes it so much quicker to process, which in turn assists staff with getting their reimbursement on a more timely basis.”

How CompanyMileage Streamlines Mileage Tracking

For organizations like Aspire Health Alliance, it is vital to remove the obstacles that stand in their way to providing the best care possible across the communities they serve. At CompanyMileage, we believe one way to do that is by streamlining the mileage reimbursement process for all levels of an organization.

With SureMileage, you can automate this critical business process, enabling mobile workers to quickly and efficiently track their mileage and submit it for reimbursement—no more keeping receipts or filling out paper forms. On top of this, the SureMileage platform helps ensure that the information reported is accurate, helping to reduce the time that managers and payroll employees have to devote to approvals. This means employees have more time to spend caring for patients and less time filling out paperwork.

To learn how automating the mileage reimbursement process can help you and your employees, schedule a demo with CompanyMileage today!

What Should Your Mileage Rate Actually Be?

Determine an estimated mileage rate based on gas prices in your area.

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Calculate How Much You Can Save with Our Mileage Reimbursement Software

Ready to see what CompanyMileage can do for your bottom line? Learn how using an accurate, efficient, and simple mileage reimbursement software can translate to over $1,000 in annual savings per mobile employee!

Why Do So Many Organizations Choose CompanyMileage?

There’s a reason why hundreds of organizations prefer using CompanyMileage to track over 500 million miles a year, submit expenses, and process reimbursements. Discover how easy the process can be with the right tools.

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On average, our clients experience a tenfold return on investment with CompanyMileage. Don't miss out on these savings – reach out to us today and see how much you could save!

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