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National Retailer Saves Millions Since Adopting CompanyMileage

2 min read

Without a way to validate the mileage to be reimbursed or verify the trips that occurred, mobile employees at this National Retailer were able to self-report their own travel data into the organization’s expense management system. It is estimated that the lack of auditing capabilities or travel analytics resorted in lost profits ranging in the millions. Naturally, the administrators at this organization had become overwhelmed by the manual process of individually verifying trips and mileage for each employee.

SureMileage, from CompanyMileage, addresses the shortcomings of processes typically associated with mileage reimbursement because it automates travel expense management with an entirely new approach. Employees report their starting points and destinations and the system calculates the driving distance between them. Rather than verifying the miles that were driven, it calculates the expenses to be reimbursed. Once travel data goes into SureMileage, supervisors can review and approve expenses and send them to accounting and payroll for reimbursement.

After being introduced to CompanyMileage, it soon became clear that the organization needed much more than an automated solution to track and verify mileage reimbursement claims. The system would also need to integrate with the organization’s existing accounting platforms. Mileage and trip data would also need to integrate and share data with the organization’s expense management solution as well as it’s human resources solution.

The team at CompanyMileage quickly responded to this request by producing a human resources and expense management integration that allowed employees to log mileage data inside of SureMileage, and share that data with the existing systems.

Now, using SureMileage, mobile employees were not only able to accurately submit mileage reimbursement claims, but they were also able to submit claims much faster. Administrative staff were also able to save management time. With CompanyMileage implemented, they were able to take the guesswork out of mileage tracking.

By helping this national retail company accurately verify and automate its mileage claims, CompanyMileage helped this organization save nearly 50% on mileage expenses. The organization has remained a customer for several years now, and CompanyMileage continues to save them time, money and, most importantly, sanity.

What Should Your Mileage Rate Actually Be?

Determine an estimated mileage rate based on gas prices in your area.

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Calculate How Much You Can Save with Our Mileage Reimbursement Software

Ready to see what CompanyMileage can do for your bottom line? Learn how using an accurate, efficient, and simple mileage reimbursement software can translate to over $1,000 in annual savings per mobile employee!

Why Do So Many Organizations Choose CompanyMileage?

There’s a reason why hundreds of organizations prefer using CompanyMileage to track over 500 million miles a year, submit expenses, and process reimbursements. Discover how easy the process can be with the right tools.

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On average, our clients experience a tenfold return on investment with CompanyMileage. Don't miss out on these savings – reach out to us today and see how much you could save!

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