Mobile Employees

Members of New York’s Board of Cooperative Education Services Select CompanyMileage

1 min read

Both Districts were looking to replace manual processes and lower costs.  The strength of BOCES lies in how cost-savings programs are cooperatively provided to support students who need help meeting the learning standards, students preparing for college and careers, and adults in the community who are improving their skills.

The District Superintendents were not only looking to reduce costs but also needed a solution that would integrate with their Accounts Payable system.  Due to rapid growth their finance and A/P departments could no longer keep up with the piles of paperwork associated with their outdated process.  They evaluated several solutions and found that CompanyMileage already had an A/P integration system built that they could utilize without any additional programming.

Since implementation, CompanyMileage has been able to significantly reduce their costs and improve efficiencies associated with mileage/expense reporting and approval. CompanyMileage also helped them customize several reports for their auditing process.  Supervisors are spending less time on their newly automated approval process and can now seamlessly submit to their payroll company for reimbursement.

Bottom Line; they are saving thousands in expenses as well as streamlining their entire process.

What Should Your Mileage Rate Actually Be?

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Calculate How Much You Can Save with Our Mileage Reimbursement Software

Ready to see what CompanyMileage can do for your bottom line? Learn how using an accurate, efficient, and simple mileage reimbursement software can translate to over $1,000 in annual savings per mobile employee!

Why Do So Many Organizations Choose CompanyMileage?

There’s a reason why hundreds of organizations prefer using CompanyMileage to track over 500 million miles a year, submit expenses, and process reimbursements. Discover how easy the process can be with the right tools.

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