Mobile Employees

California Youth Center Automates Their Reporting Processes with CompanyMileage

2 min read

A large youth center in California has been providing services for youth and families in need across the state for over a century. From northern to southern California, their caseworkers serve members of the community who have faced challenges with foster care, mental health, developmental disabilities, trauma, substance abuse and education challenges. With the help of automated expense reporting, this organization is able to continue assisting each individual they serve and strengthen connections with the community.

Before overhauling the reporting process, staff would spend numerous hours manually moving reports through the organization’s multi-level approval process. Case workers and other staff had to fill out mileage expense reports by hand, resulting in many opportunities for error. This complicated process ended up costing them hundreds of thousands of dollars in much needed funds through accidental miscalculations and instances of mileage rounding and side trips.

With the help of CompanyMileage, this California youth center was able to more effectively reach the large, sprawling area it served. Now, caseworkers and other staff members can book their trips using the SureMobile app. This dramatically speeds up the process by eliminating manual reporting, and the app will automatically manage their expenses, removing human error from the equation.

CompanyMileage even went a step further to help this organization, working with them to automate their entire multi-step process. Reimbursements are now seamlessly exported to their payroll system, Financial Edge, allowing employees to receive payments faster and taking a huge weight off administrators to manually approve and issue reimbursements.

With these improvements made to their expense reporting system, CompanyMileage has been able to give this organization peace of mind. The youth center no longer needs to worry about how fraud and human error is eating away at their funds, and their caseworkers no longer have to dedicate time to manually sending reports through the multi-level approval process. Their staff can now give more resources to other responsibilities of the job.

If you’d like to learn more about how CompanyMileage is assisting community organizations to more effectively connect with the communities they serve, contact us for a one-on-one demo.

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There’s a reason why hundreds of organizations prefer using CompanyMileage to track over 500 million miles a year, submit expenses, and process reimbursements. Discover how easy the process can be with the right tools.

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