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The Most User-Friendly Trip Log App for Employees

SureMileage’s mobile-friendly companion, SureMobile, automates mileage tracking and expense report submission for employees on the go. Our simple trip log app takes the onus off of employees to track odometer readings or rely on GPS to monitor movements.

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Expense and Mileage Reimbursement On the Go

SureMobile puts the power of SureMileage and SureExpense in the palm of your hand. Instead of relying on manually-recorded mileage or GPS tracking, our system uses the starting and ending points of each trip to determine the best route and calculate the mileage to be reimbursed. 

SureMobile is more than just a trip log app, though. It can handle all employee T&E expenses. For non-mileage expenses, employees are able to create expense reports, snap receipt photos, and submit for reimbursement. Our SureMobile app makes the mileage and expense reimbursement process fast, easy, and reliable.


Why SureMileage?

Mobile employees need a mileage and expense tracking solution that goes where they go. SureMobile ensures the reimbursement process is simple, accurate, and cost-effective. In fact, our customers save more than $1,000 each year per mobile employee.

SureMileage Includes

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Point-to-Point Mileage Calculations

Our trip log app uses the starting and ending points of each trip to find the best route to calculate mileage.

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Integrated Address Book

Integrated Address Books save addresses in real time and can be populated with current client lists.

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Quick Capture

With one tap, an employee’s current geolocation data as well as the date and time will be recorded and saved for later.

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Offline Mode

With an Offline Mode, employees can use SureMobile anywhere—even if they work in areas with spotty cell service.

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Easy Trip Submission

Trips are easily submitted from our trip log app. It only takes employees a few minutes to organize, review, and submit mileage from their smartphones.

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Time Tracking

SureMobile is an effective tool for supervisors to monitor employee schedules and time management.

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Timely Reimbursement Payments

By integrating directly with your payroll provider, reimbursement payments can be issued in a timely manner once approved.

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Top Security

With secure facilities, data encryption, and privacy policies, our three-tiered approach to security ensures your data is always safe

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Centralized Recordkeeping

All mileage and expense reimbursement data is centrally stored and readily accessible at a moment’s notice.

A Modern, Cost-Saving Expense Solution for Your Organization

Odometer readings and GPS tracking leave much to be desired. CompanyMileage’s trip log app, SureMobile, checks all of your boxes, all while saving you and your employees time and money.

  • For Business
  • Accurate mileage tracking
  • Eliminate home commutes deductions
  • Integrated address books
  • Reimbursement approval automation
  • 70+ payroll integrations
  • Expense tracking included
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Customers loves us

Why Hundreds Are Saving Thousands

Christopher Peck

Company Mileage provides us with accurate, real-time information that helps us make more confident decisions when approving expenses, or analyzing actual mileage expenditures versus our budget

Hope Hill

Deneen Aceto

Mileage reimbursement is a big expense for us and small inaccuracies can really add up. Automating the process with CompanyMileage vastly improved mileage verification, which resulted in significant savings.

Youth Villages

Dave Riley

CompanyMileage helped us eliminate paper logs and the inherent inaccuracies that come with manual mileage tracking

Sacred Journey Hospice

Paula McDonald

SureMileage provides companies with an accurate accounting of employee mileage. It tracks the date, time, location and purpose of each trip so everything is kept organized come tax season.

Justice Resource Institute

Clay Beyer

The CompanyMileage Support team made implementation a breeze.

Northern Kentucky Area Development District

Justina Gray

SureMileage is very easy to use and saves us a ton of time. Our old process was so cumbersome that a lot of employees struggled to turn in their mileage.

Olive Crest

Kelli McCormick

Company Mileage has created significant time efficiencies for our staff members, managers, and accounting department. It is easy to use and efficient in getting the information we need to ensure our employees are reimbursed timely.

Ramey-Estep Homes, Inc.

Clay Beyer

CompanyMileage integrates with our accounting and payroll systems, making it as quick and straightforward as possible to implement.

Northern Kentucky Area Development District
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Employees Log Expenses in Real-Time

SureMobile makes logging mileage in a timely and accurate way an effortless process. Unlike traditional methods, which rely on employees to manually check the odometer and record it with pen and paper, employees can easily log the start and end points of every trip they make whether they’re on their phone or a computer! At the end of the day, they only need to review and submit their trips for reimbursement. All told, the mileage logging process will only take 1-2 minutes a day!

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What is Quick Capture?

Quick Capture on SureMobile revolutionizes trip logging. When they arrive at a location, employees simply tap the Quick Capture button to instantly record their current position, date, and time for review at the end of the day. It's a hassle-free solution for accurate and efficient data collection on the fly.

Available on Any App Store
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Supervisors Review and Approve Expenses

After employee miles have been logged and submitted, SureMileage continues to streamline the process for supervisors. With the approval dashboard, automated email notifications, and customizable workflows, supervisors can easily review submissions for accuracy and approve them quickly so employees get reimbursed on time.

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Improper Expenses Are Automatically Flagged

Has a trip been manually adjusted? Does an expense surpass a threshold you’ve previously set? No worries. Thanks to automatic flagging, unusual expenses are easy to spot and review in our system.


Expenses Are Reimbursed

Reimbursing employees in a timely manner isn’t just good for overall employee morale, it’s also good for your business’ bottom line. Automated workflows keep expense reports flowing through the pipeline from one approver to the next, eliminating the risks of bottlenecks stopping progress in its tracks. After final approval, the reimbursement payment is automatically recorded in your payroll system.

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70+ Payroll Integrations

SureMileage integrates with over 70 payroll systems, ensuring fast, efficient payment processing. Not finding your platform? Let us know. We are happy to work with you to develop custom integrations to fit your needs!

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Customize CompanyMileage to Your Organization

CompanyMileage is designed to work with your business’s unique needs. With customizable reporting and tailored integrations, you can ensure our software fits your workflow!

We’ve Got Your Back, No Matter Your Stack

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Easily extendible with 70+ prebuilt integrations that free you to safely use any accounting or payroll system you choose.

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We Don’t Stop With Integrations

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Automated Flagging

Worried about employees submitting duplicate mileage logs or exceeding daily per diems? Let SureMileage spot and flag concerning behaviors for you!

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Address Sync & Validation

Syncing your company's client list with SureMileage ensures your employees have instant access to accurate addresses they need for their mileage logs.

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Custom Reports

Custom reports provide insights designed by you, for you. Whether it's detailed trend analysis or broad overviews, you get the information that's relevant to your business.

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Give Your Mobile Workforce the #1 Mileage Reimbursement Software

Transform your outdated, inefficient mileage tracking methods into a modern, time-saving process that works for everybody with CompanyMileage.

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    No annual contracts
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    No setup fees
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    Minimal setup
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    Free training
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