
How Can CompanyMileage Save You Time? 

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

For businesses that employ large numbers of mobile employees, such as those in the home health care industry, efficient use of time is essential. But when it comes to tracking work travel for mileage reimbursement, it’s way too easy to get bogged down trying to calculate mileage for mileage logs and expense reports. At CompanyMileage, we know how valuable your time is, and our mileage reimbursement software is designed to help your business maintain efficiency and accuracy on every level. 

How We Benefit Employees…

Mobile employees, especially those in the home health care industry, only have a limited amount of time in their day, and spending time trying to calculate mileage for reimbursement can really add up. The average employee spends about 17.5 minutes a day calculating mileage. That’s approximately ninety minutes a week, and about six hours a month! That’s time your employees would surely rather spend actually doing their jobs. 

CompanyMileage and our suite of mileage reimbursement apps were designed specifically for the ease of use for on-the-go mobile workers who need to calculate and track their work-related mileage quickly and efficiently. Our mobile app saves employees time and headaches by eliminating the need for tracking and subtracting odometer readings, keeping paper logs, or painstakingly saving paper receipts. 

Instead, employees can use the SureMobile app to log mileage directly from their smartphones. Because CompanyMileage’s software uses point-to-point calculation to automatically pinpoint the route of each trip, employees just have to take a few minutes each day to organize their trips, snap photos of any relevant receipts they may have, and submit expense reports for review. 

We’ve also recently introduced our Quick Capture feature to the SureMobile app. Using Quick Capture, mobile employees simply have to click a button in the app, and their current coordinates, as well as the date and time will be recorded and saved for later. To simplify this process even further, we have the Quick Capture Widget, which can be installed on a device’s home screen so that on-the-go employees don’t even need to open the app to capture data and save it for later. 

…Help Supervisors Stay Sane… 

When employees have an elegant, automated solution for logging work mileage for reimbursement, everyone benefits, especially managers and supervisors. Just like their employees, supervisors’ valuable time is often taken up by slow-moving mileage reimbursement processes. But CompanyMileage uses an automated, customizable workflow, not only is submitting reports a breeze, but approving them becomes simpler and more efficient as well. 

Using our system, supervisors and members of management can adjust the workflow in the way that best suits their business. That means setting up either single or double-level approval for reimbursement requests, and the ability to designate a backup supervisor for approvals, so nothing gets slowed down when the primary supervisor is out of the office. 

Plus, because SureMobile radically reduces the margin for human error when employees submit expense reports, Supervisors are guaranteed to have to spend less time trying to track down their employees to fix errors, or clarify miscalculations, the way they might with an analog mileage reimbursement option.

…And Make Accounting Easy. 

But what about the actual “reimbursement” part of the mileage reimbursement process? CompanyMileage streamlines that, too. Our software can integrate easily with your business’s accounting and payroll systems, saving time and energy when issuing payments, too! We accommodate custom accounting structures, and our system makes it easy to generate robust out-of-the-box reports or customized reports at no additional cost. Additionally, with reimbursement, you never have to rekey any information; simply import the reimbursement payment file to your AP or payroll system! 

CompanyMileage: Better For Everyone

As the name implies, mobile employees are always on the move, and they have a lot of ground to cover…literally! At CompanyMileage we understand that, and we’re dedicated to helping our customers save time and money by automating mileage reimbursement at every level. For more information on how our mileage and expense reimbursement solutions can help your business, contact us today for a free demo!

The CompanyMileage Team

Written by The CompanyMileage Team


CompanyMileage helps hundreds of organizations across multiple industries effectively manage the cost of reimbursing employee mileage expenses through it's mileage and expense management software solutions.

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